- UR CrazeY FweND -

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- WelcomE! -

-start my nonsense intro xD- 

helluuuu~ people!


    well, this site is still under construction, but i assure you, THIS WILL BE UP SOOOONNNN!!! 8D. and my title says it all, 'UR CRAZEY FWEND'. hee. :D. and it really is true. and i made this site so that anyone out there who has a problem and is not afraid to talk about it with me, then go for it :D. *coughsorryifyoudon'tunderstandcough* i am here... i mean, i made this site so i can help u peoplz out thar. :D


    -end my nonsense intro xD-

UpDatey. :D

Most recent update:

Deleted The Shadow Of Dreams so i can change its crappiness. oh i mean uh... change its style. and some other details.

Where you can FinD Meh

Here, you'll see where you can find me... in other words, here are places where you can find my accounts. :D lol

thar. :D

Affiliates. :D

Ok people! I have one very special affliate!! xD He's my friend. Well, acutally, I made the website for them, but it is still THEIRS. xD Here's the link...
-will add moar :D-


-website made by Biz.ly. website ish owned... by me. xD-